Monday, July 28, 2008

Lost pictures...

Saturday I tried adding some pictures of Lindsay and Kaylee during the watermelon eating contest. My 2GB disk is fried. It says I need to format it, and when you try, it won't format. I feel really bad that I lost all the pictures from the 24th of July. There were some cute pictures on there as well. The one I am most upset about is the one of Lindsay eating watermelon, and realizing that she won the contest. She had juice dripping off her face. Kaylee had some really cute ones of her playing before the fireworks started. Oh well. I'll look on the bright side, the disk also included Ashlie's entire life. All the pictures from the hospital, everything. Basically this disk had everything from January on. But...I had just transfered the disk in order to add some pictures from the family reunion at Bear Lake. So in reality I only lost the 24th of July ones. I would really be sad if I had lost all of Ashlies pictures. Starting this blog really paid off bigtime.

1 comment:

Amber Bradley said...

It was so fun to read your posts. Cant wait to see more. On the pictures on your card, I know someone who just lost a ton of pictures and Inkleys retrieved them for her. You might want to try that. Especially for something like that.