Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update #2 – Ashlie is growing

Ashlie has started eating solid food (Sept 21st). She loves food. No one can say we starve her, she is all rolls. Cute little rolls. We have only given her rice cereal so far, but that will change soon. Kaylee on the other hand has given her tastes of other foods. I think her favorite was the Cherry Jolly Rancher stick that she grabbed out of Kaylee's hand. Yes, she got a taste, but I quickly got it from her. I think it kind of surprised Kaylee that Ashlie took it. As much as she likes food, I don't think she knew what to do with two spoons coming at her.

She is also getting a strong belly from constantly doing tummy crunches. Put her in the car seat and she tries to sit up. Put her in the swing and she leans forward to eat the horn on the steering wheel. She rolls over from her tummy to her back and also from her back to her tummy, occasionally. She is usually content to hang out on her tummy or her back for awhile. Once she figures out that she can roll to get things I have a feeling she will be rolling non-stop.

Kaylee is usually really good and dressing herself, except she keeps getting her panties on backwards. The other day she came out of her bedroom crying. She couldn't get her zippy jammies zipped up. Hmmm…. I wonder why? Check out the neckband on the right side.

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